mercredi 8 juillet 2009

A little bear

I already saw quite a few people draw bears for Million Dandelions - if you haven't, I urge you to do so ! I was worried I had missed the deadline, but no, it runs until the 20th of July.
I'm sorry, Lady Fi, I did *not* listen to your color recommendations at all. All I could think off was working with my quills and inks, they're the one medium I feel most comfortable with now. They feel sort of like... home.

Little bear-girl

J'ai déjà vu un certain nombre de gens dessiner des ours pour Million Dandelions - si vosu ne l'avez pas fait, il est encore temps ! J'avais peur d'avoir loupé la deadline mais non, elle n'est pas avant le 20.
Désolée, Lady Fi, je n'ai pas suivi tes conseils de couleurs. J'avais trop envie de travailler avec mes plumes et mes encres, c'est le medium avec lequel je suis le plus à l'aise en ce moment. Je m'y sens... chez moi.

3 commentaires:

Beth Howard a dit…

That is absolutely adorable! I wouldn't usually think of "lovely" in connection with teddy bears... but this definitely is. Very delicate lines.

Green Martha a dit…

Thank you ! I'm exploring/rediscovering other forms of graphic work. I hope to get a few more designs out of this style.

cabin + cub a dit…

Cute! Love the bear illustration ;)

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