mercredi 23 septembre 2009

Sweet treats - Argyronete's Kougelhopf

Yesterday autumn still seemed to be there (it's gone again today, we're back to summer and my feet complain about it. A lot) and I was craving some hearty food. Out of the blue I took a recipe I had been lying around for years and never came around to actually trying out : traditionnal Kougelhopf by Argyronete. I adapted it to make it in the breadmaker (no hand-kneading = less physical effort for me = good !) and this is what came out of the oven !


Looks yummy, right ? It is !
And here's the recipe, with breadmaker :

one big handful of raisins
a glass of alcohol, kirsch is best, rhum works
225 grams of butter
6 eggs
375 grams flour
10 grams yeast
2 tablespoons milk
10 grams salt
75 grams sugar
some almonds

Cover the raisins with the alcohol and let them aborsb it for a few hours.
Mix a little bit of sugar, luke-warm milk and the yeast. Let it rest until it has doubled in volume. ou can also use dehydrated baker's yeast in the breadmaker, just add it to the flour then.
Cut the butter in small dices, put them in the breadmaker. Add the whole eggs, the flour, the sugar, the yeast, the salt. Make sure the salt does not touch the yeast. Let the breadmaker knead the dough until it no longer sticks to the sides of the dish. Then drain the raisins (you can keep the alcohol for another maceration), add them to the dough and let the breadmaker do its work once more.
Put in a well greased Gugglhupf form. Let it rise for half an hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven to 180° Celsius.
Bake for 40 minutes. Take out of the oven, out of the form, and add powder sugar on top. Yum yum !

In Etsy news, we have been featured on another blog ! See some of our articles on Crafted by Design's Monday Mentionables - although we aren't Monday... :D Monday or not, it's still really nice to be featured, thank you Kerianne !)

6 commentaires:

argyronète a dit…

Oh, my recipe! ^^
Nice shot ! Hungryyyyyyyy!

Oh, ma recette ^^
Jolie photo ! 'ai faiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim !


Nathalie a dit…

Oh, j'aimerais bien essayer mais je n'ai pas de moule :/

Anonyme a dit…

Bread!!! Yumyum!

Green Martha a dit…

@ Argyronète : je l'ai un peu modifiée, j'avoue ^^
@ Dina : le mien est un moule tout bête genre sous-téfal de chez Ikea... Un jour j'en aurai un beau alsacien, un vrai !... ou un en silicone.
@ Swee : Yum yum indeed, it's more cake than bread, but perfect for breakfast anyway :D

StaroftheEast a dit…

Yummy indeed>!

argyronète a dit…

@ Green Martha : le silicone, c'est pratique ! Et mettre les recettes à sa sauce, c'est normal ^^

@ Dina : en attendant tu dois pouvoir faire la recette dans d'autres formes de moules (à manqué, briochettes...), non ?

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